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Wellspring Ministries is called to be a Apostolic Hub with a mandate to build the Kingdom of God and teach, train, equip and send the Ecclesia for the work of the ministry and to have a massive effect in every mountain of culture.

At the core of our ministry we have a apostolic and prophetic mantle. We have a call to create a culture of prayer, honor, humility and love. Through our ministry and partners we want to see 1 million souls come to Christ. We have a vison to bring healing, deliverance, reformation and a revival the likes of which has not been seen before.

Need Prayer or Ministry Help?

Do you have a need for ministry or want prayer, please reach out and we will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Connect with Us

If you have a burning passion for building the Kingdom of God and impacting lives, we are here to journey with you. Share your details with us and let's embark on this voyage together!